New seizure policy for significant undervaluation of commercial goods

Jun 09, 2015

CBSA has a new seizure policy in regards to the significant undervaluation of commercial LVS goods (less than $2500 CAD) arriving with UPS, FedEx and DHL.  Many of you may have experienced vendors using an amount of $1 or less for samples or returned goods.  We usually have to contact you to request the true value of the goods.  CBSA will now be implementing a seizure policy for goods that have a significant undervaluation on the commercial invoice.  The actual value of the goods must be shown on the commercial invoice, even if they are samples or returns.  We suggest you make your vendors aware of the new policy.  Please see link below for further details.


Customs Notice 15-002

Rv55-5-2015-002-eng.pdf (PDF, 36 KB)

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